In my own words all i wanna say is try and look past the cover of a book b4 u decide if u like them or not theres more 2 some1 than good looks.if all u have got is looks then i feel sorry 4 u coz the best thing about a person is whats on the not lookin 4 love i just wanna meet interesting people so if u fancy a chat then add me but dont start talkin about sex and bein dirty coz im not into that no vain people plz [email protected]/elise miller on facebook dont add me without readin my pro im sick of repeatin myself
This Week's Plan... to make it through till friday then party.... wehey.
hey hey hey girl how the hell are ya? just checked out your profile & thought id say hi - you're gorgeous!!! if you ever fancy a chat sometime my msn is [email protected] - & yea i know i live nowhere near ya lol but hey its just nice to be nice xxx