In my own words about my family :)my mum cant remember what day it is most of the time and forgets where everything is
my dad dosnt know wot testoterone is or where it comes from :/ and my eldest brother thinks burning a cd means takin it out into the garden and settin it on fire :)
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My Eternal Dilemma... ok im gonna use this bit to plug a charity and website close to my heart this site is about miscarraiges and still born babies, they are trying to raise funds to try and figure out why it happends so give it a look and donate if you can , my son jack is on there so give as much as you can to try and stop this from happening to other people
hey i saw ur profile nd thought u looked pretty sexy so i had to msg ya..newayz if ya wanna chat nd av a laught hen msg me bk or u can get me at [email protected] to hear from u soonxxx