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Name: Carly
Details: 34 years old (Sagittarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: bootle, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/noodlehead_06
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In my own words

mad alwayz up 4 a laff.a alwayz get up in a boss mood n alwayz smile n laff.a only get up in a bad mood is wen am woke up which a h8t:(.lv avin a drink wit me m8s n goin out a do go a lil bit nuts at times lol n do mad stuff lyk randomly start dancin on chairs n tha n jst bein a propa maddy most d time :p it does me ed in wen ppl r propa snotty n 2faced a wish d wud jst say it 2 yah face lyk :@. every1 no's tha d can tlk 2 me bout anyfin n a will give dem me honest advice am alwayz truthfull n say ow a feel all d time bu sumtimes a jst cnt hold nofin in if a got sutin 2 say den a jst say it bassicly haha.:p oh yeah n am not eva allowed 2 drink wine again OMG only ad it once n a waz propa outter it really dnt memba a fing or nefin n ad d worst ang ova eva d nxt day.
The Meaning Of Life...

dnt take life 2 seriously enjoy every min ov it go out as much as u can party all d time neva stop dnt come ome till d nxt day frm a party dats wen yahno yah ad a brill time;).smile n giggle all d time dnt worry wa every 1 finks(even tho a do worry wa ppl fink)n dnt b fooled b ladz coz a alwayz am ;(.n last jst live every day lyk its yah last...
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Comments 10 of 98 | post a comment | view all
welsh89 wrote...  
hey bbe yu ok wuu2 thn
anythin mch then
i was just lwkin at yur pofile
and yu seem a nice person to talk as
a frend is it ok if i cn hv yur msn
pls wb x
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wardy2k5 wrote...  
How u doin hun x
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drsaucysteve wrote...  
saw ur pic and had to tell u i think ur stunning ! add my msn if u like its [email protected] or [email protected] coz dont have cool tools and prob run out of messages xx
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bigoziedave wrote...  
hey, hows u, fancy a chat?
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party_animal21 wrote...  
wow ur absoulatly gawjusss mmmm have u gt msn plz x
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damo_19 wrote...  
wots up 2 sexi x
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xscouse_dawnx wrote...  
hey girli, how are you? yeah it was madness didnt get in till about five.... naughty... you have a good night then? xxx
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hay there, was just pass in and your profile caught my eye for all the right reasons - so thought id pop over and leave you a quick message and show some love on your page. Hope you okay and well ??? would be great to hear from you and may have a chat some time ???
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wardy2k5 wrote...  
are u on msn there
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25207173 wrote...  
alrite sexy ya wna chat xxx
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Favorite Things

tuna paster.n me mums soup

dance,r'n'b.hip'hop,t heold 1s

TV Show
my wife n kids,nefin on m.t..v

more mag ;p

rush hour1,2,3,friday,howhigh

Night Club / Bar
p.rooms,concert sq,bar bar

my dog stanly hes fab!!

me mum,lv er 2 bits she propa boss,

twn,n newer a can av a laff


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