In my own words if u like wat u see n wanna chat a lil more den add me on msn [email protected] , im more den hapi 2 chat 2 new peoples lol
nicki xxx
From Now On... i gotta start sortin out my life no mre blokes dat will break my heart or mess with my head. im gunna enjoy life 2 da full cos i neva no wen it may end, ill thank god everyday 4 bein hu i am n 4 da fact dat im stronger emotionaly den i look. i av 2 learn 2 show emotion n not try 2 cover it ova all the tym lyk i used 2 in da past. and hopefully i will find a guy that i can settle dwn wit n wont mess me around bt neways jus remember 2 live lyf 2 da full n enjoy everyday xx