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* SxC gIrL rAcEr N gHeTtO pRiNcEsS *
Name: Nikki
Details: 37 years old (Gemini), Female, In Relationship, Open Minded
Location: * nEwCaStLe (CrAmMy/AnNiTsFoRd) *, Northumberland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/nikki_lou2k
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All tha lasses wrecked
Me nd Dawn nd sum random dutchman
MMMM tasty
Danielle nd Claire Ill Ha Beltin
In my own words

* HeY pPl wElL wOt CaN i SaY I'm TrOuBlE. I'm HoNeSt. I'm BiTcHy. I'm JeAlOuS. I'm NoThInG yOu'Ll ExPeCt Me To Be. I'm EvErYtHiNg YoU wAnT mE tO bE. I'm BuBbLy. I'm FuN. I'm NaUgHtY. I'lL mAkE yOu SmIlE. I'lL mAkE yOu CrY. BuT nO mAtTeR wHiCh OnE iT iS yOu'Ll NeVeR fOrGeT mE!!! nE 1 wHo WaNtS 2rAtE mE mAkE sUrE iT's NiCe!!! DnT wAnT nO Ho£s GiViN mE cHeEk!!!HeReS a ShOuT oUt tO sUm Ov Ma M8S RoY...WeLl ReAlLy, To B fAIr We DnT sAy It ThAt oFtEn!!! MuSt B tHe HaPpY bAcCy TaLkIn LoL!!! ViCkY....CaN i PuT 3 oV ThA sAmE cArD dOwN?...4 FuK sAkE nIkKi No WhY u ThInK iT's CaLlEd PaIrS - I dO uNdAstAnD wEn Am Nt WrEcKeD HaHa!!! ChArLeNe U nO iM gOnNa MaKe My GoDsOn ThA bIgGeSt ChArVeR tOdDlEr In NeWcAsTlE aNd Me GoDdAuGhTeR iS sOoOoO a LiL pRiNcEsS!!! DaWn, ZoE, NiKkI, MiCkY, AnNe, ClAiRe, GeM, LaUrA, dAnIeLlE, nAtALiE, sTePh, MaNdA, cHaRlEnE wE gEtTiN tOnKeD....fOoKiN rYtS LeTs GeT pIsSeD nD rAvE aLl NyT lNg P.S 4 gOt Me LaD dEaN lOVe U XxX *
Blog 5 posts | view all
Anastasias 18th!!!!
Gan owt for wor kid sis 18th on 31st may cannit wait gonna show a how 2party lyk theres ne 2moz, Lods ov uz gan owt so gonna be wicked, pure pink themed nyt n all so were all gonna b propa pink princesses nd princes ha loves it!!! gonna get messy....ye nah haha. Lataz XxX
My Best Day...

Was wen me nd Dean finally moved in 2geva and now since a got ma boobies done aswell whoop whoop!!XXXX
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Comments 7 of 7 | post a comment | view all
----stonesy---- wrote...  
hi wil u add [email protected]
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey, how are you!
You got a nice profile, it would be nice talking to you!
holla back with you email (msn) aite i'll see ya then or add me
lataz kisses
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racey85 wrote...  
arite pettle sorry i aint bin in touch, i have a new fone number, u and the family had a gud christmas???? get back.xx
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racey85 wrote...  
its tonite flowa.xx
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racey85 wrote...  
nikki hows tricks did i speak to u the other night i dont really remeber much from friday slightly fucked at hedcandi woooo, wen u gunna cum see me stranger???x
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sweetandhorny wrote...  
ur gorjuss babe.if u wanna chat on msn add me ur addy. [email protected]
spk soon
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porphyro83 wrote...  
hey hun what car do you drive, you look lush would love to hook up with you
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Photos of me, me m8s nd nites out!!!
57 photos
Favorite Things

* DePeNdS oN My MoOd *

* RnB, HiP hOp, DaNcE, gArAgE, TrAnCe Nd RaVe!! *

TV Show
* BaD gIrLz, HoLlYoAkEs Nd ShAmLeSs *

* WhOeVeR wRiTeS nUtS....wOt A lEgEnD hAhA*

* Am NoT fuSsY *

Night Club / Bar
* IkOn R.I.P, LiQuId, mOoD, tHa BoAt N dIGiTaL*

* pLaYbOy BuNnY....hOw CuTe *

*mA gIrLz, FaMiLy Nd Ma GoDkIdZ kElSeY n JaY *

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* My BeD *

* Ma CaR (ReD tIgRa), pHoNe 'Nd BeD wIv DeAn *


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