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Name: stuart
Details: 48 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: northampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/night001
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dirty dancing
peed off pussy
In my own words

Where do i start mmm okie dokie im a fun loving guy who does not take life too seriously, its too short so why not enjoy it.im spontaneous and tend not to plan things too much and just go with the flow.i love going out and meeting new people and having a laugh over a few beers is a must after being at work all week.love music and going to the cinema, also love eating out which is just as well as i live by myself and even the cat wont touch my cooking,so micro meals and simple snacks are usually on the menu. im a down to earth bloke who loves female company but has been enjoying the single life for quite some time and need re-training again lol (breaking out of batchelour habits).so it would be great to chat to any girls with the same interests and likes who are low maintenance and love to enjoy themselves.ps im a biker but dont let that put you off lol
In A Perfect World...

people would make love not war, old people would be banned from shopping when i have to, beer would be free for the needy,johnny knoxville would be the next prime minister, i wouldnt have to get up of a morning ,i know i go too far .... sigh wouldnt it be great though lol
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georgeous wrote...  
thanks for the message hun what bike u got babe xx
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Favorite Things


ambient,trance,pop, 80s all sorts

TV Show
jaxkass,dirty sanchez,

stephen king

bladerunner, american werewolf in london

Night Club / Bar
not fussed as long as people are nice

my cat,

my sister and my nieces

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my bed, the ocean

my pc, music, my pad


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