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Name: mark
Details: 49 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Haverfordwest.. And Cheltenham, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/nicoman69
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In my own words

Originally from Cheltenham, been down here over a year now.. No signs of pickin up the accent tho..! Enjoyin things down here, live right on the coast, which is nice in the summer.. not so nice in the winter..!! Just gettin back into this site after a well deserved break.. God! what do you have to do to get a reply on this..!?!? C'mon girls, us squaddies are only human too ya know... albeit it rather primative ones...!..:)
Need a roofrack to put kayak on, couldn't believe the price of them, i was quoted £186.95..! So i bought the cheapest one (i'll adapt it to fit my car, it's onlt a few brackets, for f@@ks sake) sayin to the guy 'There's more than one way to skin a cat' i left the shop ammused at the nostalgic origins of the saying... I imagine at some point in history, relieving a feline of it's fur was a perfectly normal household chore...?!?!?
If I was a Millionaire...

I'd be a philanthropist and devote all my time and energies to working full time for charity. I might also adapt a military prototype bodysuit to the likeness of a nocturnal animal species that are indigenous to these fair isles, and use it to fight crime. I'm not however, so I won't.
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
sexybectheminx wrote...  
awww thanks for your comment, thought id send you one bk....your not bad urself, nice pics !! xxx
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morganxx wrote...  
sounds like you got fun weekekd ahead hun ,, im from abertillery ,, and im working this weekend so no fun for me ha ha xx
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morganxx wrote...  
im ok hun hows you xx
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16 photos
Favorite Things

Seafood, fish

Dylan, Stones, Razorlight.. Owt really..

TV Show
rick stein, top gear, any history/wildlife

Cornwell, Summerset Maughm

Withnail & i, un-forgiven, fargo, dr.strangelove

Night Club / Bar
Walkabout, country pubs

Black lab, ducks (luv 'em)

Mick Jagger,

Somewhere warm, with someone warm:)

Errr.. Not my mobile anyway, it's shoite..


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