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Name: Pete
Details: 38 years old (Capricorn), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Plymouth, Somerset, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/n_u_m_b_e_r_1
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17 year old me, I look so young.
pic of me april 2007
me and my old man (legend)
sexy lady, my beautiful girlfriend.
In my own words

well apparently im stuck up and arrogant, if you think that then you dont know me.done some stupid stuff i may regret but who are you lot to make judgement.if im going to hell im going there of my own accord so you worry bout your own pathetic lives.
Rhianna Hardie
As you can all see from my profile above we have just finished doing a walk from Plymouth to Bristol to Remember Rhianna Hardie and also to raise money for the childrens hospital where she spent the last few weeks of her precious life. we are shattered and need sleep but please donate money to this worthy cause. i would also like to use this space to thank everybody who has got behind us and supported us. a Special thank you to all the people who have donated online,Keep up the good work you lo
The Meaning Of Life...

dont let people make decisions for you or tell you who or what you are.stand up for yourself.if people dont like you its their problem not yours.i have figured that most pretty girls think to highly of themselves note how i say most and not all.people are on the planet to reproduce, that dont make you attractive it makes you temporarily required
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Favorite Things

currently thai chicken and pasta

hip hop,r n b,dance music,Pop

TV Show
probably hollyoaks at the minute

dan brown and Alan bennett

white chicks,hilarious!

Night Club / Bar

my puppy dog

Heather,Tony and my Dad all legends

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mauritius i would imagine

tv or weights


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