rawwwr. yes im a year younger than it says. so yes it is lying to you. *grins* <3vans<3..<3converse<3..<3ties<3..the shape of broken hearts..cute kisses..long gentle cuddles..sweet little texts..making out in the rain..wtching scary films with someone you like..snuggling up to sleep..hot guys w eyeliner..hot guys w long hair..<3emo hair<3..<3belts<3..emos kissing..hot girls kissing..infact just kissing..eyes..hips..hands..lips..<3memories<3..<3sm oking<3..chewing gum..vaseline..sweat bands..band t-shirts..badges..my jeans..the way people look so beautiful when they cry..and finally...<3rich<3 ...xxx...
My Pet Hate...
people being judging relationships by age...you cant tell your heart who to like and who to not <3