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I am THIS damn good!
Name: TJ Munt
Details: 38 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Midhurst usually!, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/muntyboy
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My newest car seriously!!!!
Me in South Park :D
Pesky kids!
Just hosting It's a green Mars if ur curious!
In my own words

Life is a funny thing... Just when you think u have it pegged, everything changes!

I've gone from having a mon-fri job with the military to having a 24/7 job at my own pub...

I love it mind, the pub is so different to working 9 to 5 its just a breath of fresh air! It doesn't even feel like I'm working...

I've left a lot of my life behind now but there are certain parts I really miss, those people who I wish were still here...

Things have changed, maybe for the better, time will tell! At least I know I'm happy for the first time in years! Even the old Midhurst and Fernhurst girls aren't getting me down right now and that's a big thing for anyone who knows!

Money is good right now, got too many cars but that's ok too.

Still, to quote myself, life is good... But I'm better!
My Eternal Dilemma...

If a new product is something never seen before... And an improved product is something that has existed for some time but is now better than it's predecessor... Then how the hell can something be new AND improved?!?
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Comments 2 of 2 | post a comment | view all
vixta1 wrote...  
aww gutted i missed ya!
well i gotta love a bit of attension aint i :P lol
luvz ya xx
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vixta1 wrote...  
oi oi sexy boy!! hope u ok hun! xx
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Favorite Things

Thin I may be but I have no bottom...

Old school and cheese. 80s music is great!!

TV Show
Monty Python and good English humour!

Terry Pratchett, Tolkien

The Goonies!

Night Club / Bar
The Crown Inn!

Still want a rat but health and safety sucks...

All of my regulars!

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My kingsize bed! Preferably less than empty...

My cars probably, but I don't show it very well!


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