In my own words x~dont kno wer t start ere we go-am ded easy goin sound t get along wit up 4 a laf lv t meet new ppl cnt stand bitches o and i hate people that use drugs so dont botha it wud just b a waste of ur time i gta bubly personality luv goen out especialy dancin girl hayley lives wit me in rs wer lyk sistas 4 evry1 dat knows us we do everyfin tgeva wen thers 1 of us the otha aint far bhind lol haha....i have me tongue pierced..if you r a goth/emo i dont wana know yer so move on thru a difa profile. 4all girls this bits 4 u- If you dont stand for something, youll fall for anything!!.Im multi talented .. I can talk and piss you off at the same time!! ery1s a winner lol hahaha....For everyone who talks about me...thanks for making me the centre of your world!! you dont know me but you wish you could x.mwah.x luv yasx.x
My Mum Says... When life is bad...keep your head up, that way you don't see all the shit you've stepped in.
hi beautiful y aintcha bin answerin me calls i didnt mean it jano i jus thort id tell you howa feel lol..herd wa apen cnt belive it gun nok im d fk out. u r 1 stuna tho anyone wud b luky to have u....and hes stupid 4 treatin u like a nob ed yur to gud 4 anyone..this gurl is da best u gotta lurve her!!