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Name: msblondy62
Details: 34 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Straight
Location: Durham, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/msblondy62
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Me & Mel - Magalluf
Mexico, Cancun 2007!
Steph & Me!
In my own words

I HATE winter at its worst days, as you may tell by my location of complete house boundness within this time of the year!
I am not too fond of wildlife while we're on the subject. Nor am i fond of financial embarrassment or hangovers for that matter!

Steering away from the down side, i am particularly fond of my friends - they're ShitHot!:) The summer is wayyyy up there too, as is Corona and going
on many, many holidays per year.
My pit would have to be up there too!
It has also been well known that i have a true passion for house, trace, rnb and certain indie pieces of music.
Brinkburn has its shitty days, followed by its more Shittier days, but what can you do.
Hopefully it will result me living in a shit hot mansion and driving
a shit hot car. Yes, we can only dream! But in my head, this is more likely to be achieved by attending the next 'Jail' referred to as uni!
Somewhere i contemplate going one day if i get my ar
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kfj wrote...  
Hey just wondered if you wanted to chat sometime? My emails Killing_for_Jesus_kfj@hotmail. com
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