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Name: Ali
Details: 33 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Robin Hood Land, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/mrs_ali_jordison
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In my own words

It's hard to think of something to write, that you people haven't viewed on a million other profiles. I'm Alicia, or Ali, or whatever I respond to at the time. I'm 19, old enough to fuck, and old enough to get drunk beforehand. Musics my thing. I'm firstly a musician, lastly a psychology student. Bob Dylan is my idol.I smoke drink, gamble and dabble, don't get all emotional about it, I lurrrve it! ;)My dog is my best friend. I'm a feisty little fucker sometimes. I live for the rocknroll life. Bottle of whiskey in one hand, a joint in the other. I love a good chat. I'm single. I'm quite introverted when I'm sober. I produce bands in my spare time, and I write. Keeps me sane. I have a calmer side. I'm going to Africa for volunteer work. I want to touch the four corners of the earth. I front a band. And I play own my acoustic stuff too. Blarghh Blargh Blarghh. Want to know more, you know the drill youth!
From Now On...

fuck global warming,fuck globally warring multinational presidents,fucksmug prime ministers,fuck mass murderers,fuck torturers,fuck animal abusingscum,fuck religious extremists,fuck right wing fuckwits,fuck call centre mongs, fuck people who walk really slow in the city,fuck the chavvy inbreds that hang outside co-op,fuck running out of booze,fuck Jade Goody, shes a cunt.Fucking hell,its enough to make you look forward to Armageddon :)
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Comments 10 of 33 | post a comment | view all
joblessactor wrote...  
You look so hot...I would love to have my wicked way with you...are you on Skype?
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donniedarko375 wrote...  
hun ur a fittie i so would :p xxxx
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eagerjimmy wrote...  
For Emma, Forever Ago
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david_farrington wrote...  
alright sexy how u doing? i just read your profile you seem pretty cool! how r u? howz the music going? i just joined faceparty today lol. u fancy a chat? xxx
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will_cornish wrote...  
Hey. Your gorgeous babe. How are you? :-) x
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xxdoggxx wrote...  
Hi... your from now on outburst made me laugh lol cause u r right ! xx
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car_man wrote...  
Hello =D
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firecracker666 wrote...  
your gorgeous!!! Can I add you as a buddy? Darren xxx
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hay there, was just pass in and your profile caught my eye for all the right reasons - so thought id pop over and leave you a quick message and show some love on your page. Hope you okay and well ??? would be great to hear from you and may have a chat some time ???
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dodger2007 wrote...  
(ran out of messages) not at the moment, just getting a new project started which should be fun. I try and write quite a lot of music considering my main focus is drums =]
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Favorite Things

Italian baby!

rock.prog.reggae.acou stic, chillaxing stuff.

Susanna Kaysen, James Frey.

I'm fussy about films.

Night Club / Bar
Flamin' Joes. Widow. Town Mill, Rock City

Sloths. They just dont give a fuck.

I haven't found one yet.

Thats A Secret

My Journal.


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