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Friendly and up for a laugh!! :-p
Name: Rachael
Details: 33 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Middlesex , London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/mizzcurly
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:0 Me with straight hair!!
In my own words

I'm a happy smily girl...slightly mad, but most of all i'm loyal and friendly! One minute i'm hyper, excited, happy and bouncing off the walls, full of energy and mischief. The next i'm quiet and wanting to be alone. I believe everyone should have their moment to shine! There are times for laughing and times to be serious, you just gotta be able to tell the difference between the two! Stand up for yourself and what you believe in! I love my family and friends more than anything, they are the things that make each and every day worthwile! Love meeting new happy people, so message me :-)
In A Perfect World...

You would wake up to sunshine every morning, feeling on top of the world! Everyone that speaks to me would be honest and not a lie told. Especially the people closest to me, I hate being strung along with lies. My friends would stay exactly as they are, because to me they are perfect! I'd have my dream man to take me anywhere I wanted and always be there for me. Money wouldn't be an issue, so we could be out partying in a different country everyday! :-)
Comments 10 of 31 | post a comment | view all
__sammy wrote...  
Me likey x
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samedwards17 wrote...  
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gjewitt10 wrote...  
hello u alrite i am frm hertfordshire i just wounder if you fancy a chat feel free to add me if u got msn [email protected] xx
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razarz wrote...  
Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;)
Wanna chat? xxx
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speedy18d wrote...  
hi nice pictures your soo beutiful looking great in all your pics :) add me if you fancy a chat - [email protected] or msg bk x
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richard23 wrote...  
what a fine looking women you are xx
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meeham_sandwich wrote...  
hey there you having a good weekend??? if you fancie a chat add me to msn if you want [email protected]
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thevillan wrote...  
tasty xx
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jam_hot2k wrote...  
hi ya there cutie how are you? feel free to drop me amessage. james. XxX
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heiny wrote...  
That's a very good question. Mate said hes not going out...But now he is so its too late for me to go. So yeh..stuck here! Might have the cheekiness to ask for your msn - the conversation would go a bit more two ways :) xx
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9 photos
Favorite Things

I lurrrveee Chinese, yum yum....!! lol

Luv to dance,so anythin i can shake my booty 2!

TV Show
Lost, Prison break, One tree hill, Oc...!

My best friends wedding!

Monkey's, they are so adoarable! *aww*

All the special people in my life!

The beach or anywhere sunny! :-)

My phone, laptop and my jewellery


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