In my own words Hello I'm Samantha Grace I share my birthday on the 4th of january with my twin sister sophie. I'm one of those people who is fortunate enough that I can eat and eat and eat and never put on any weight. I love it ! . I go through various food addictions. atm its Morrisons mini chocolate brownies, Harribo Marshmallows and Microwavable popcorn. I'm happy pretty much most of the time. I laugh out loud at things that happened yesturday. I Stay up too late and I'm too thin. I drink alot of tea, I'm loving the fact that they've brought cadbury's wispas :) I would say I'm a pretty tidy person and life just wouldn't be the same without my family and friends.They're amazing. x
In A Perfect World... We wouldn't ever have to say goodbye . .