|  Name: | Lauren | |  | Details: | 34 years old (Aries), Female, In Relationship, Straight |  | Location: | Lesta Area, Leicestershire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/miss_pretty4u17 |
  In my own words
 Could tell u my whole life story but its a small space.. pretty much ur average girl although some ppl think i'm a special girl lol always up 4 a laff && lovesss the usual a girly night in or out aslong as theres alcohol!! <3 gettin wasted at weekend could say i'm abit mad when i have had a drink or 2...yessshh pall!! i'm very honest i say it how it is and i don't waste time playin games -- i'm a sore loserr!! i <3 my family wouldn't be where i am if it wasn't for them especially my mum!love yooh mother! along wiv my hotstufff aka chan love yooh lostly && All my Gorgeous Girls !!&& Ma Sexxxyy Bf Lee <3 Love him loadsss!anyfin elseeee msg me teeeeraaaa xXx |
 The Meaning Of Life...
 m€ãñìñ øƒ LìV€*~¤ ThErEz No MeAnIn 2 LiVe, U fAlL iN lOvE, u GeT HuRt, U CrY, iT MaKeZ u wAnNa DiE,u tRy N tRy,BuT iT mAkEs It WoRsE,eVeRyOnE gEtS HuRt In MaNy WaYs,SuM eVeN ReSuLt 2 DeaTh Or SeLf PaIn,Y AvE ThE 1 u CaN lIvE wItH..wEn u cUlD WaIt 4 ThE 1 u CaRn't LiVe WiThOuT..lOvEz A NeVa eNdIn FeElIn Its SuMtHin EvErYoNe WAnTs 2 FiNd ThErE tRu lOvE..aNyThIn WoRtH aViN Is wOrTh WoRkIn HaRd 4! jus Don't b fooled by wat life throws at u..¤~* |
|  |   Favorite Things Food Chips n Cheese, Mcdonalds deffo! Music Loads... lol TV Show Hollyoaks, Prison Break, Family Guy Author If i'm dead or missing Movie P.s I Love You, Green Mile, John Tucker Must Die Night Club / Bar Elements Animals Frogs..don't ask Person My mum shes a legend, My World, My everything!! Website Click here to view Place Bed.. Possession/Thing My Straightners, phone,My Life!! |
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