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X*u think you no me well lets see*X
Name: x*~*g*e*m*m*a*~*x
Details: 38 years old (Aquarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: ~*x~*lestashire*~x*~, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/miss_ickleangel
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fancied a change of hair style march 2007
this is me now
whhhops me again lol taken march 2007
i was a copper for new year eve 2006
In my own words

This life, this love
All the sweetness I feel
So mysterious yet
So incredibly real
It's an uncharted sea
It's an unopened door
But you gotta reach out
And you gotta explore
Even though you're not sure
Till the moment arrives
There he is and you know you're in love
For the very first time
claires birthday bash saturday 10th feb
oh wot a nite!!! Theres was me,jodie,claire (birthday girl) hehe shes 30 lol, jan,rita,sharon,jessica,danielle,karen,err mm and sum other peeps but cnt remember names lol anyway the started out in the baron had a few bevvys in there then we went to brannies it was a full on ladies nite lol we then followed on or shud i say stumbled on gigglin our way down to kaceys bar and then on to litten tree whoo finished the nite in flares/reflex claire was dancing to wham brings bk memories.a gr8 nite def
My Eternal Dilemma...

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I could fly
'Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch
I feel this static
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life
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Favorite Things

-x~*~ im a vegetable and salad freek~*~x-

x~x*~RnB~old skool~clubland~*x~x

TV Show
-x*~hollyoakes and eastenders and bigbro~*x-

*~x~x*im not sure on this one*x~x~*

*~*me&Dupree,Little Man,40yrold virgin*~*~

Night Club / Bar
~*x~Elements en zanzibar,squaresx~x*~

x~*~Tony hes a wild little thing~*~x

*~my mum and tony,jodie,jan,claire en rita*~*

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*~x~on hol of course~x~*

~*x*ma mobile fone*x*~tony~*m8's~*x


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