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Love is my religion...
Name: miss belle
Details: 40 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: East Kilbride, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/miss_belle
Recent photos36 photos | view all
Me and dj dave
My wee christmas cracker
All i want for christmas is yoooouuuu
Me in my batwoman attire
In my own words

What can I say? I over analyse things far to much. read far to much into the littlest of things(is littlest even a word??? see what I mean). I aspire to things that are far too great but always appreciate the things that are ever so small. Like someone smiling at you just because you catch their eye. The taste of a kiss that lingers in your mouth long after your lips have parted. The gentle brushing of your arm that gives you goosebumps all over. THAT look that sends shivers down your spine & makes your stomach do somersaults. Not just looking at someone, looking deep into the soul of that person. Leaving a message on a steamed up mirror, just coz you can. Sitting under a tree & watching the autumn leaves fall. Holding someone close & feeling their heart beat against your own. Lying making shapes out of passing clouds. The certain way in which that special someone says your name...Im a hoplessless romantic but hey someone has to be:D
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Walk with me
Walk with me, the path of life,
to explore every bend of the road
Enjoy with me the beauty of life,
along its wonderful way

Find comfort with me, in each other's arms,
when grief crosses our path
Find strength with me, in each other's strength,
when despair lies in wait

Laugh with me, a single true laugh,
to enlighten another's distress
Cry with me, a single true tear,
to understand true happiness

Cherish with me, the wonders of life,
as they need to be preserved
Rejoice wit
The Meaning Of Life...

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it...
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ziggystar wrote...  
hello lady!
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Photos of me
6 photos
me, my friends and i
19 photos
my gorgeous niece
5 photos
Favorite Things

Homemade steakpie

Brandi Carlile, Terra Naomi, Amy MacDonald

TV Show
L word, Bionic Woman, Alias...

Reading makes me sleepy lol, shakespeare i guess

Romeo and Juliet

Night Club / Bar
As long as im in good company i dont mind

Unicorn and Giraffes

The ones whom are always on my mind

In someone elses heart

Falling in love


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