In my own words I'm Kelly, I'm 23, I'm from London and I work in PR.
- I love travelling. - I am a strong believer in karma. - I don't know when to stop when it comes to shopping. - I would love to go to a darts championships match. - I am OCD about certain things. - I would much rather sit indoors and have a glass of wine & chinwag with my best friends than go to a nightclub. Am I getting old? - I confess.. I am a 23-year-old directioner. Don't judge me. - I don't like people that don't bother to read your profile.
My Mum Says... "Don't worry about people from your past. There's a reason they didn't make it to your future."
its good... proper 60s style. It suits you... i'm still pondering on this name... if you go clubbing you should go to Hed Kandi... dress to impress... i like it
Wow ! Your mum is right if that is the advice she gave you life is a game and u should play it in which way you intend to win. And succeed I also believe in this ! Anyway what can I day other than why don't we have girls like you in Newcastle and also to finish off the word I probably should of started my message with!! WOW! X