5 entries | | |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | Call him Mr Raider call him Mr Wrong Call him Mr Vain Call him Mr Raider call him Mr wrong Call him insane He'd say, I know what I want And I want it now I want you 'cause I'm Mr Vain I know what I want and I want it now I want you 'cause I'm Mr Vain |  |  |  | omg | wrote |  | ahh im sooo excited im getn my boobjob on wed!!!ahhh!! cnt wait!!lol! xxxx |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | OoOH Getn my gym set up!!! cnt wait til its all done!!!! whoopwhoop!!! xx |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | wel abit of a update....lol
still hatin men thts the 1st thing got good news the other day....gettn my babys in 4months CAN NOT WAIT!!*I WILL B LOVIN THEM*LOL* also b getn my new car in the nxt month,fingers cross!! ill b drivin a sexy new ra4!!! :) xx ..emm lol oh i got a sexy *teardrop* pericin...which 4 all u tht dnt no wat tht is its a percin jus below my eye....wel on my cheek bone...dosnt sound good but it is act GORGUS!!!lol! wel thts all i think 4 now!!! hehe!!byeee.,.. |  |  |  | LOVIN & HATEIN AT THE MO | wrote |  | lOvIn tHe wArM wEAtHer lOvIn PeAr cIdEr, lOvIn My PaRnTeR iN CRiME *cHLoE*,loViN pOrTrUsH ;),LvIn tHe fAct tHt sTuDyIn WiL B OvEr sOOn, AnD ThE sImPlE fAct tHt iM sInGlE!!!*LoViN It* LOL
hAtEInG CoURsEwOrK,hAtEIn kNoWiN ThE FaCt mY ExAmS R On ThE tHe 9Th of JuNe!:(! HaTEiN ThE CoSt oF PeTrOl, HaTeIN NOT nOiN nOiN wAt 2mOrOw WiL bRiNg AnD ThT mY bDaY Is sOoN AN Im GeTiN oLD!!!lLOL!!! BuT mOsT Of All IM HATEIN MEN!!!! Oh aNd tHe cReEPs tHt R On ThIs tHiNg!!!! |  |  |  | 5 entries | | |