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Celestial Bliss
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Bank Holiday weekend wrote
So it's my bank holiday weekend and I've now missed the parties. A birthday on Friday and Saturday night and clubbing last night. I've been plowing through Frances Quinnn Media Law for Journalists and I'm satisfied that a) I could have been a lawyer and b) I wouldn't have liked it. Sooner or later my inbuilt desire for creativity would have caught up with me and I would have become bored eventually. The downer is I have flu. Not a good start to the last and final university term.
Update- Back to Reality wrote
Fear shackles your limbs, rendering you incapable to act, to move forward. You doubt, you dabble and withdraw. Life is one of negation. Hope is a flame that slowly burns out, the bellows being far away. You lost them ages ago. Disappointment still seeps through, even when your hope is gone. You let yourself indulge in the fantasy for just a little too long. You thought you could be honest and open. Then humanity came and bit you back hard. Slipping back into misanthropy, I type away at my work.
Daily Update wrote
Why the fuck am I always reading? I know I do an English Literature degree, but christ books do not hold any value anymore, when they are constantly shoved my way for absorption (not via osmosis). Maybe if it was via osmosis it would actually revitalise me...but clearly the osmosis is in the other direction, with McEwan, strangely since I usually love him, sucking the life out of me. Bored. Bringing back the blonde later though!
Daily Update wrote
Listening to Jazz FM and writing my essay finally. Back to East London tomorrow morning. New modules starting. Modernism and Democracy. Thank God. Something I want to actually do. A shame about the arrogant American arsehole, who grates on my nerves. Oh well. Prometheus is my inspiration :-)
Back to Facebook wrote
So after a long break, I have again succumbed to online social networking. I want something quite different to facebook, which it plays an integral part of my social life (I am ashamed to admit), whereas on here I would like to meet new people (how cliche is that) for random chats amidst writing essays on Shelley and my dissertation on Lawrence. On a Saturday night, I'm inside writing notes on Adonais and thinking about how much fun I could have doing other things. Only 5 months I tell myself..
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