5 entries | | |  |  |  | x | wrote |  | Love is a great risk, but not loving is of greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it' |  |  |  | R.I.P Danny. | wrote |  | Your missed so much already, more an more everyda! u had a gorgeous funerul and got the send of u deserved babe, i fink about u every single day n i will never ever forget u..u will always b in my heart...u didnt deserve to go, especially not wen u were soo young...but ur in a better place now. mke sure u look after me up there or there will b trouble wen i join u! haha. uv got me cryin ritin this wt u lyk ey! i am proud to say u were on of my friends danny, sweet dreams, love you x |  |  |  | x | wrote |  | Girls like us don't come around too often ...you'll learn to love us. Hate us and your simply wasting your time because you can't beat us and you sure as hell can't join us. raise ya glasses if ya like us raise ur standards if you don't. |  |  |  | x | wrote |  | Be Strong, Becuase Things Will Get Better, It Might Be Stormy Now...But It Can't Rain Forever...x |  |  |  | x | wrote |  | 'You Have To Go Through The Darkest Nights To See The Stars' 'Dont Be Afraid To Fall - Coz It's Only The Best Who WIll Pick You Back Up' 'The Only Person Worth Your Tears Will Never Make You Cry' 'The Only People You Need In Your Life Are Those Who Need You In Theirs' |  |  |  | 5 entries | | |