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well needed day off! wrote
well its been ten days since the last entry on here! am so tired! been starting wor at 5am everyday for last week. today was first day off in 8 days so it was amazing. I stayed in bed till ten and then got up and did some cleaning so my house is spotless. then i had some lunch and then walked to asda and did some shopping and came back and made a beef bourgignon for my dinner. was lovely and enough left to take to work tomorrow for my lunch!
Sex drought over part 2 wrote
So then last night I get a phone call from an ex of mine from years back asking if he can come round. Obviously i said yes! Anyways, after about 20 minutes talking we winded up in the bedroom and had the most amazing sex I have had in a long time! I had almost forgotten how much fun it could be! And he stayed the night and did it all over again this morning! Even talm he may come back this afternoon! Fucking hell! I exhausted but i smiling!
Sex drought could be temporarily over! wrote
OMG, three shags in two days after having nothing for weeks lol! Sunday night met a guy on gaydar, met up with him and shagged, it was nto a very good shag though but still a shag is a shag lol! beggers cant be choosers. Downside being is that now he has got really clingy and says he loves me and wont leave me alone. Have told him I don't want a relationship at moment but he not taking the hint lol! any advice, feel free to contact me! PLEASE!!!!
My exciting day so far! wrote
Well I know its a few months late but today i decided to have a complete spring clean! Guess its because i am skint and cant afford to go out lol! So have cleaned my entire flat top to bottom. Am also doing well on giving up smoking. Had one last night and have had half a roll up today so things much better than the original 20 a day i have been smoking. Fingers crossed i can give up again - managed 18 months the last time i gave up. Right I think it may be time forsome lunch!
Joininbg the 21sty Century! wrote
Well today i decided i am determined to find myself a new man. Not that I am desperate and gagging for it u understand! I made a new profile on gaydar to replace my 6year old one lol! Then i joined facebook and joined this site too. God all this technical stuff is tiring lol! Also today I made a home made leek and potato soup and a gorgeous chiili con carne! God this gay know how to spend a day off lol!
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