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do this wrote
1. give me ur number?
2. love me?
3. let me kiss u?
4. watch a movie with me?
5. have dinner with me?
6. drive me somewhere?
7. take a shower with me?
8. be my gf?
9. tell me u think im cute?
10. buy me a drink if i didnt have money?
11. take me home for da nite?
12. let me sleep in ur bed?
13. fuck me?
14. put dis on your blog 2 let me answer ur questions?
15. do u think im attractive, beautiful or
x wrote
ok now am 6months gone found out am havi a wee girl and i reali cant wait thought of the name crystal... any 1 got any names in mind? it has 2 be reali girly so get thinkin peeps!!!! xxxx
my life at the min wrote
well where do i start i split wiv my boyfriend of 2yrs we wer split exactly 1month, i woke up 1 morning n i was sick i was sufferin wiv the flew (quite badly actually) so i jus put it down 2 that. next mornin i woke it was the same, i was gettin worried, i was 2months late on my thingy aswell, i put that down 2 stress, i thought, "ok il take a pregnancy test just 2 put my mind at ease. well i took it any way n it was positive so i made an app at docs n took anuva 1 am 2months gone!!! ahhhh!!!!
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