2 entries | | |  |  |  | do dis plz?? | wrote |  | 1 Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you hav a crush on me? 5. Would u kiss me? 5. Have you ever wanted to punch me? 6. Give me a nikname and explain why? 7. Describe me in 3 words? 8. what was ur first impression ov me? 9. do u still fink the same? 10. What reminds u ov me? 11: u going to add did blog to ur profile? |  |  |  | read this?? | wrote |  | My occupation is to stick my cockulation up a girls ventalation to increase the population of the younger genaration and i got this information from the board of education and if you want a demonstration LIE DOWN!!! |  |  |  | 2 entries | | |