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LiVe LiFe To ThE fUlL yA nEvEr KnOw WhAt MiGhT hApPeN!!!
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who are u? wrote
1. who are you?

2. are we friends?

3. when and how did we meet?

4. do you have a crush on me?

5. would u kiss me?

6. give me a nickname and explain why?

7. describe me in one word!

8. what was ur first impression of me?

9.do you still think the same?

10. what reminds you of me?

11. if you could give me anything what would it be?

12. how well do u know me?

13. when was the last time you saw me, if ever?

14. ever wanted to tell me something you co
would ya???? wrote
Wuld ya...

* use me?
* go out with me?
* give me your number?
* hug me?
* kiss me?
* let me kiss you?
* shag me?
* watch a movie with me?
* take me out to dinner?
* buy me a drink?
* take a shower with me?
* be my bf?
* have a fling with me?
* take me home for the night?
* Would you let me sleep in your bed?
* give me a piggyback ride?
* have a relationship with me?
* Dance with me?
* Spank me?
* Stick up for me if i was being put down?
* Carress my body?
2 entries  

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