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To conquer others is to have power...to conquer yourself is to know the way.
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CHAT! wrote
Hey guys,

If you're looking for a place to meet new people and make your circle of friends a little bigger why don't you join www.buzzen.com.

It's totally free and easy to do, Just enter your info...register and click on the activation email in ur junk box.

If you do that you are totally welcome in a totally BRAND NEW and EXCITING room called The Rebellion at: http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=The%20Rebel lion

Please come along...(btw...im AngelEyes in the room)

Thanks, Michae
Lifestyle Community wrote
Hello guys,

Just for all those friends who give a damn, I have a website.

Feel free to check it out atL http://lifestylescom.spruz.net

I would appreciate it if you signed up, but please bear in mind that it's a work in progress and I will be adding to it.

Thanks for reading.
Become a member of The Simpson Family wrote
Here is a link to an amazing website, where you can find out how you would look if you were a member of The Simpsons.

Simply upload a good picture and you will get a picture of the new you...all ready to cause mayhem in Springfield.



~ Michael
Soulmates wrote
Once, a long, long time ago, all people had four legs and two heads. And then the gods threw down thunderbolts, and split everyone into two. Each half then had two legs and one head. But the separation left both sides with a desperate yearning to be reunited. Because they each shared the same soul. And ever since then, all people spend their lives searching for the other half of their soul.
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