4 entries | | |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | Is There Anyone On Here Who Doesnt Want To Meet Cos They Just Want Sex Off Me?! Grr So Fu?!*ng Annoying! |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | my phone has recently had a nervous breakdown so I'm using a shitty replacement until i get a new one lol this means i wont be on MSN/BBM 24/7 like i used to be...gonna miss them :( |  |  |  | Xmas | wrote |  | OMGOSH 22 DAYS TIL XMAS!!!! :D SO EXCITED, SO HUSE GOT ME A PRESSIE?! ;) X |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | Hey People, I Got A Fancy Dress Party On The 23rd But Haven't Got A Clue On What To Go As... Any Ideas???
Comment Back Please, Appreciate Your Idea ;) x |  |  |  | 4 entries | | |