4 entries | | |  |  |  | contined blog 3 | wrote |  | 20. Tattoos: 2 one on hip and other on lower back 21. Righty or Lefty: lefty ___Your 'Firsts'___ 22. First best friend: Gemma, martin, nicole 23. First Award: tap dancing and balay 24. First Sport You Joined:majorettes and football 25. First pet: puppy 26. First Real Vacation: Turkey 27. First Concert: blue 28. First Love: jamie ___ Favorites___ 29. Movie: dirty dancing,save the last dance,honey, 30. TV programme: big brother 31. Color: blue, pink 32. Rapper: dont av 1 |  |  |  | blog 3 | wrote |  | 1. Full Name: shantelle sally clark 2. Nicknames: shan, telle or nellie 3. Birthday: 05.06.1988 4. Place of Birth: maidstone 5. Zodiac Sign: gemini 6. Male or Female: female 7. Year: dnt go skl 8. School: none 9. Occupation: Student 10. Residence: gravesend 11. MSN Screen Name: (K)Chelsky(K) __Your Appearance___ 12. Hair Color: Brunette 13. Hair Length: shoulder length 14. Eye color: baby blue 15. Weight: not sure 16 Baces?: nope 17. Glasses?: sometimes 18. Piercings: ears |  |  |  | Blog 2 | wrote |  | 1. Whats your Name? 2. Are we close? 3. What do you think of me? 4. Do you hav a crush on me? 5. Would u kiss me? 6. would u fuk me? 7. Describe me in 3 words? 8. If u Had Me for 30 Mins wat would you do? 9. What was ur first impression of me? 10. Do u still think the same? 11.. What reminds u of me? 12. If you could give me anything what would it be? 13. How well do u know me? 14. What do u like best about me? 15. Ever wanted 2 tell me something u couldn't? 16. Could you ever lo |  |  |  | If your good enuff answer these! | wrote |  | I see through: Blue eyes I am from: Essex I cannot stand: pricks I lost:something I listen to: my ipod n phone n limewire on computer I can be found: in my house I need to: gt a job I know how to: play football I hope that i will: settled soon I want to: go skydiving I dance to: music I'm obsessed with: My mobile phone I will always love: Chelsea FC I miss:My family I hear:Music all the time I smell like nG I crave:wateva I worry: do i ? I regret: nuthing I'm alway |  |  |  | 4 entries | | |