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New Update wrote
Just thought I'd update and let ya'll know the film is going really well,And I've managed to get a bit of time off.
So I'm planning on going to Ireland next week for a lil break,And maybe look for a nice place to maybe live for a while.
Makes a big change from being in boring olde Loughborough with stupid people.
Looking forward to going to meet Michael buble next week too,And just orderd my Lee Mack tickets woop! :)
Feel free to drop me a message people :)
Update wrote
Well again its been a while since updating this,Won't go into loads of detail.
Been a stressful few months,With work and personal life.
Atleast I have a good few months to look forward.
Back and forth to L.A with work.
And going to meet Taylor Swift and Michael Buble after their concerts :)
Mega excited.
Also working on writing a new pilot tv show,Which hopefully will be filming in the new year.
Much to talk about but little time.
So until next time :)
Been a while. wrote
Thought better write a new blog.
Alot of bad things happend since last one.Won't go into detail.
Just recieved a grant for a new film I'm working on.Middle of writing it at moment.
So start filiming in march next year.
Whch means I will be going through audiions soon.If anyones interested then just drop me a message,
Will keep everyone updated as much as I can :-)
Wow wrote
Been a while since I written a blog on here lol. Guess I been very busy.
Just got home from working on the new Charles Bronson movie in town. Its been quite fun actually. Glad I only had to do it for a couple of days.
Its the weekend party time woo hoo :)
Anyone fancy a chat message me :)

x x x
:-( wrote
Am well upset, One of my stupid cats have ruined my fave jacket. It was so expensive. Anyone wanna buy me another?
Going back to college tomorrow studying E-media, And I gotta do a massive shop too. Then going to the cinema with Est after too. Too busy I think am gonna die :-(.
Message me people.
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