3 entries | | |  |  |  | This Week! | wrote |  | Well what another boring bloody week i just had! work monday til thursday then a stupid bloody course on friday! Friday night caught up with my little lover Tommy, lovin him forever! so yeah that was good and ended up with half his wardrobe :-S Oh well! Saturday night was Tavern night for me and what a giggle i had! I managed to pull aswell which was nice! See where this one takes me, hope it aint a bumpy ride cos I've had enough of them to last a lifetime... TBC... XxxxxRxxxxX |  |  |  | Weekends Cont!!! | wrote |  | HEY HEY ALL! How are things? thought I'd let you know whats been happening this week in the fabulous world of MOI! lol (hmmmm fabulous.... okay then) Not alot really this week guys! just work work work whic i am getting rather annoyed with cos of the people i wokr with! AHHHH they do my head in! :P Oh well its money! Started seeing this guy yesterday, he seems nice! lets hop i dont get hurt! :D OH WELL IM USED TO IT IF I DO! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Must dash, off out soon! LUVSYALL XxxxxRxxxxX |  |  |  | Weekends! | wrote |  | Well what can i say? apart from FUCK! I have had a mad week! on the lash all the time! i think i have a drink problem! Oh shit got my phone bill in.... oh bugger it! I HATE CONTRACTS its official! £175!!!! Woops! Oh well! met some lush people over the weekend! had such a laugh with my good friends Lukas and Conor, two fabulous ppl! :D cant wait for another road trip guys but maybe this time we will go where we said we would! Lol OH WELL! x x x x x ***UPDATE NEXT WEEK*** |  |  |  | 3 entries | | |