5 entries | | |  |  |  | | wrote |  | Hello again! Just back from a fantastic holiday in the sun! Will I ever adapt to this freezing cold. Think I may just imigrate! :) xx |  |  |  | | wrote |  | What a week! where does the time go?! How is it that once a birthday passes, it all goes so much quicker?! wonderful day spent on the beach today! love this country! Am a little crispy now so lotsa beer to sooth myself! ;) enjoy the rest of the weekend folks, I certianly intend to! xx |  |  |  | | wrote |  | How do you get another 7 hours into a day I wonder!? If you figure it out message me please! -- Stressed and shattered in Falkirk, or is it Glasgow? I'm confused! LOL! night folks! xx |  |  |  | | wrote |  | WOW! what a great birtday! Alton Towers was perfect although stoke for a drinking hole isnt geat but fun all the same! Mad insane tequelia fueled night last night, after a very very sad funeral, ouch sore sore head today! So so sad, night in with pizza and the box! (guess we all have to slow down for the odd 5 mins!) Any mad ideas for next weekend folks? xx |  |  |  | | wrote |  | Bank holiday Monday's were invented for skiving in the sunshine with a few dozen beers! What a fantastic day! - thank you! ;) Went and spent the best 70 quid of my whole life today and had a psycic/tarrot reading (I know hokey kokey) but some of it was just spooky, someone walked over your grave, crazy!
Off to Alton Towers tomorrow for 2 days in total denial of the aging process (and to celebrate my birthday) WOO HOO! Air - here I come! xx |  |  |  | 5 entries | | |