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Melly Welly Bing Bong
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The News wrote
Hiya all, on holiday from uni, but working all the hours god sends need money for my holiday I didnt think I would get. Going to Turkey in August, 4* Hotel peepz! Yay! Hate working sleep overs so odd sleeping myself, I get cold, prefere it when Blairys there, he is my wee hot water bottle! Must be love, I would be too cold without him. Swear I am cold blooded. Almost 19 now, jesus I feel old. Where have the years went...?
Dont know what I'm up to for my b/day now. See the money problem...hmmm.
Well helloo peepz!! wrote
Hiya to all that read this fantastic blog, hope u all have a nice day what ever u do!! (cheesy) Was out last nite for dinner with laine and lana, was good although lana had a crash and is on painkillers and stuff, and laine is pregnant so i was the only one drinking... a wee totty bitty tipsy!! My lovley man came and got me too, aint that nice?? anyhoos, as usual we met loadsa weird folks, like the guy who pretended he was on the phone talking bot vibrators!! Guess he over heard us talking eh?!
Oh Something New! wrote
Oh well first blog, no idea who will read it but hey i wanna write so hre it goes... I am happy, I really am I got my flat and my gorgeous man and life is gooood! Working this weekend in kilwinning, so that means extra monies next month, every lil helps, hey i could work for tesco! My gorge boyfriend is picking me up on monday morning when i finish, so we will have all day together. Aint that nice, we are spending quality time with eachother. aaaawww
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