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is wonderin how much i love mark
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Omg this month been best this year!!! Passed me test, turned 21, got a new job and got me sexy mondeo, goin out on saturday cannot wait!!!!
*ouch* wrote
well i started my job yesterday and im loving it except all the fuckin walking. but it gives me pennies £6.95 an hour i aint complaining lol. More clothes for me :) im gonna spoil mark now i can afford and he can spoil me nw hes got a job better then tht shitty solaglass place.

apart from tht all is well, beating no slags up lately coz they aint pestering mark :D

cya all soon xxxx
yey!!!! wrote
well my crimbo was better than expected considering the year ive had, im love with mark who i couldnt ask for a better boyfriend. cya all soon xx
hiya wrote
omg today im so happy for sum reason i kinda intregged by sum1 new :P and wanting to get to know them better not sayin any names incase of bad luck :P got my car fixed :D passed my theory test first time im so happy. ill be a godmam/aunty (not a real aunty lol) soon when emma gives birth eventually cant wait till baby katie is here. ive applied for a job fingers crossed coz been outta work for a while due to bereavement.

but im happy today see how long it lasts this time lol

love ya all x
hiya ppl wrote
well my car is now fixed just some minor adjustments is needed. but she is now fast as fook!! 2 days till i go for my theory test dreading it incase i fail :( i want someone to love :(
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