3 entries | | | | | | untitled | wrote | | Well my life is no changed forever!!!I wish people could see just how much i care buthay ho!!!oh my gosh you have to go buzz bar if you havent been its so wkd, got wankered up there got down and danced my tossit off on the dance floor!!! hope you are all good much love!!!! | | | | untitled | wrote | | I saw some one last nite that i hadnt seen in such a long time and i was so happy to see him!!! he made my night, as i had some bloke trearting me like a wanker, but i anit having it anymore!!! life is too fucking short for me to be wasteing time on dicks like that!!! boys watch out this dirty bitch coming to find some love xxxx | | | | boring | wrote | | Well once again im at work board as fuck, all service users have go on there day activites and im so board!!!ant ways its xmas soon!!!whoo well looking forward to it. why is it that men blame you for everyting aand they never tell you where you stand with them, does my bloody head in!!i wish i could crawl inside there minds and just see what they are thinking, i no not all guys are like this just wosh i could find on that is honset and wont treat me like shit!! any ways much love ppl xxxx | | | | 3 entries | | |