4 entries | | |  |  |  | | wrote |  | this is out to mi shexxi laydess and fellows hunni_19 ya fab gal we have r chats....alice and lulu r just mi fab lesos (we r all straight btw)ooh im looking in da window shshhh :P..linz and king wot a couple king so nos linz is mine...si u make me luagh is pete got a fnny lol..liam oh sexxyliam u crak me up darl...derf if u dnt c me soon im gooonna come find u live 10 mins frm me :P and harri 6.5 is ok i guess :P blinky,rik,laura ya all fab MWAH LOVE U ALL FNKS FOR GETTING ME FREW BINING ILL XXX |  |  |  | | wrote |  | hey ppl i am so fed up n down wiv being ill if it wenrt for me lesa lulu and alice lol jking chikens :P i wuldnt of surived boring days at home lol i wnt to be better gen to life life but one fing i red alice profile and relised compared to her mum i have noguht if her mum can do it nd get frew so can i so alice dedicate this to u hunni xxx mwah |  |  |  | | wrote |  | heyhey hows it all u sxy ppl well today has bin fabby i went into town and borught lodda stuf such as boots and perfume,skirts n tops in da sale:P hope u all had fab time off wrk im bck at college soon woo fun not well ny ways catch ya all latter xXxXxX<3 |  |  |  | | wrote |  | well its da night b4 crimbo i am slight recked hehe oh well...i hope all u sxy fookers get wot u wnted and more frm santa....i actually have ot getm y ars out and wrap pressies i might do it tomoz mornig wiv a hangover lol....r.i.p to all those wot died in thiland on boxing day...well im gonna go now get more drink nd watch sum rubbish on tv... just last fnks to all da huns n guys who av bin well alright on hear spesh liam lulu king n derrrfy my sxy bit on the side:P we must meet up lolxxx |  |  |  | 4 entries | | |