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xxxx**pink....thats all there is to say**xxxx
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**gRANDAD tED** wrote
TO be A *PRIncess* iS to tHINk lIke a priNcess,aND THis PriNCess NEeds TO starT!! Its NOT alWAys ABout me (welL 99.9% of THe tiME it IS) but I SHalL sTARt coNSiderINg thE 0.01%! & I aM PUttiN IN WriTIng THat i PROmisE to TRy noT TO taNTruM! xx RIP preCIous GrAndaD TeD, mY LoVe FOr YoU wiLL NEVER TirE, I wilL FOrevEr Be YOUr 'FaVouriTe BlonDie' aNd At LEast NoW YOu WIll alWAys Be WitH Me WherEVEr I Am. THanKYOu FOr BEing SUCh a SPecIaL, CarINg ANd pErFecT PErSOn-HOpe ONe dAY i wiLL DO U pROud.xx
I've learnt what being a princess is,ive learnt what its like to be happy & ive learnt that going with your heart and not your head is sometimes the best thing we can do! I honestly believe i am one of the luckiest people alive! Have to mention Alice (aka miss J Aniston!) u r the best friend a princess could ask for! u amaze me! Mr J-u make my world a happier place to be and a nicer place to live...and all my friends who can honestly call yourselves friends-thanku! x love u all more than..pink!
*Today i've learnt that there arnt many REALLY special people in the world and if yr lucky enough to come across one of them then u have to hold on as tight as u can possibly squeeze,but sometimes if u care enough about them u have to let them go-no matter how much your world changes.The world works in funny ways,but you just know when you've done the right thing and no matter how bad it hurts,sometimes the feeling of knowing they're happy takes the pain away.*
*I am such a sleepy princess today!! its now 4.15pm an im ready to go back to bed,planned early night last night but ended up in town til 5am...princess lola between me and u chicken!! Spent most of today hunting for my easter eggs which i made my family hide for me,would have been far funner with more than 5 secs of sleeps thou! Off to town tonight-no rest for the wicked is true!! Ah well,best get the wine open then!!Wine St look out more fun and tumbling on the dance floor Emz-SAnDiego BaBy!*
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