3 entries | | |  |  |  | 22!!! | wrote |  | OMG im gettin old!! 20 fuckin 2!! lol all down hill frm ere i guess :P |  |  |  | better!! | wrote |  | finally got out of hosp yest...still in a bit of pain and sore but il b ok :D just need rest and a nice guy 2 give me lots of TLC....pete where r ya?? hehe ;) xxxx |  |  |  | snow day | wrote |  | well what a day yest :( woke up..snow ....great i thought lotsa snowball fights, then my sis comes bk frm the docs, there admittin her 2 hosp for her apendix....that was 11.30, still waiting 4 the ambulance at 4pm!! got 2 the hosp at 5 still waiting 4 a bed at 12.05 am this morn!!! and now gotta go bk dwn there at 1pm!! i fookin hate hospitals and snow now!! |  |  |  | 3 entries | | |