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Fun loving, sassy gal!
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Means to an end! wrote
After working what seems like 6mths without a day off, i am finally off for a weeks holiday! OOooo, i wont know what to do with myself! Only problem being, no spends due to excessive chrimbo and sales shopping. However, it is 2 weeks til payday and all the hours i have been doing will make it a rather large packet, and we know how much i like those, dont we pig!! Wont have any problems knowing what to do with that!
weekend therapy session wrote
Oh deary me! Im working most of the weekend but i think a saturday evening therapy seesion may be called for! yes, an evening of fun and frolics with msspeedy and any one else unfortunate to encounter us! hehe!
The opposite sex! wrote
Argh!!! Men! I swear i have had just about enough of them, to the point im actually considering turning gay and for anyone who doesnt know me, that is something i would normally never say! And i dont just mean ones that i am or have been involved with, just the species in general, they really are the most infurriating, (is that spelt right?), things in my life right now! AAAARRRRGH!!!!
untitled wrote
What is it with men? Are their heads so far up their own ar*es, that they dont realise just how much crap they try and feed you with? Why is it so hard to find one that can just be honest, dont they know that truth always comes out in the end?
Good lord! What is it with obviously deserate men and their compultion to message me and ask if im up for meeting for a bit of sex? Do these men not have a life? Is there something so profoundly wrong with them that they cant get women any other way? Or, are they just such sad individuals that they think women like this sort of behaviour? Thoughts please....
5 entries  

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