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When she drinks, she drinks neat, when she thinks its on her feet!!
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Moving House!! wrote
So its a week til I move out of my flat in the middle of sheffield and I'm so totally not gonna be able to fit all my stuff in my new room!! in some respects I'm gonna miss living so close to uni but its gonna be so nice to live with people I actually like and not have to share washing machines with like 400 other people. I've definitely amassed a number of socks that are not mine whilst living in halls!!
I need something to pass the time til next week though, I'm bored - any suggestions?? <3
Things I should do more frequently... wrote
First off - I really need to get back in the habit of coming on here more often, I'd forgotten how much stuff I need to update!! but now its June, I've finished my first year at uni and get my exam results in about 3 weeks - I'm hoping for a first!! Another thing I need to do is update my music collection - I havent put anything new on my iPod since the new FOB album came out - 6 months later i'm getting a tad bored of the same thing!! but now for tonight: time to go to the pub!! xxx <3
Latitude!! wrote
Woo!! just back from latitude festival and i'm completely shattered!! it was so much fun though!! Arcade Fire and Rodrigo y Gabriela were amazing as was Lee Mack!! and the late night raves in the woods were a right laugh!! bit annoying that the showers broke and that we ran out of cider but it was still really kewl!! meet some nice people too, Adam and Angus, you guys are great!! but now...i need to catch up with some sleep!! xxx
June is soon!! wrote
So its nearly june which means my exams are next monday and i'm so not ready!! anyway...for those of you who are interested heres the general rundown of the last month!! i fixed my msn; finally i can go online, i have two new pet rats; they're called willow and tara, i'll put some pictures on soon, my webcams back up nd running again finally, i also managed to get away with the party i threw when dad was out of the country!! and in 2 weeks i'll have a social life again!! so its all good!! xxx <
Life...in general...recently!!! wrote
So for anyone who wants to know, heres a brief rundown off my life over the past few weeks: msn broke; now can only appear offline, been off school for 3 weeks due to easter holidays and done nothing but revision for exams; boring as hell!!, attempting to socialise; the occasional party or picnic, and some interesting experiences in the back of a car; serously they should make the roofs in cars higher!! and then back to school again!! so nothing majorly interesting, just the usual stuff!! :P xx
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