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A girl, in the world, with a dream and a prayer
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rain rain go away wrote
Hey all, . .it's been a damn long time since I wrote, but then again. . .who looks at this darn thing?!! Can I get a yeah ? So. ..we've been here since December, and alot has happened. We found a house in a village east of base, called Ixworth... moved in with the little we had on our backs. Luckily we had ordered a new bed. .and it arrived the same day we moved in. So we lived in the bedroom for awhile, either on the computer or watching tv. It's going good now and I'll write more later
The end of October is here, ...one more month and I'll be on my way across the Atlantic, to the UK. Wow, to think I'll be living in a different country, just about blows my mind. Now if things here would just go as planned, I'd feel 100% better. The LNAT has been taken, the house is up for sale, my truck has been turned in, yay no more truck payments! And now...a little Halloween Party at the Eclub on base tonight should be just what the doctor ordered. Ciao' all, have a great evening!!
It's Independence day, ...and it's raining. I think it's the first Fourth of July I've seen that it's rained. We just had a huge storm blow on through, with lightening, thunder of course,. ..rain, wind (enough to send out a tornado warning across the county) and dark black skies. Who knows if we'll get to see the firework display this evening or not. I'm a little off tonight, but then again, according to many ...I'm always that way. The weather? the season? the people? who the frick knows!
It's a sad sad day when people who claim to be genuine, real, honest, caring people. ..can't even explain themselves. No time? Don't care? Fake maybe? Who the f@ck knows... cause I don't. I'm fed up with the world really. It's nothing without genuine people who aren't afraid to admit to others, and to themselves what they fear, what they dream, ...what hopes and aspirations are. No. ..but they can sure share themselves NAKED at a whims notice. F@CK you all!!!
Life,..this endless , well not endless..lol, cycle of tribulations, joys, experiences, growth, falters, ...trips and eye opening excursions. It's drawing closer to my last day at Juvenile Court, and the closer it gets, the more sad I get about leaving. Had one of the longest days I've had in a long time in Court today, ...and a rockin' kick-ass evening in spin class. I needed it for sure. Something's gotta get me out of a certain funk...of missing someone. What did I ever do wrong,..::sighs:
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