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The Guardian- Sponsers of the Megarave
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The 26th October 2006. Both a good day and a bad one. Good because after a six month ban I finally have my driving licence back. Bad because my girlfriend dumped me. Good because I got an email fromn estate agents I was due to start working in after the new year emailed me and said i might be able to work in November.

But then the overwhelming bad is that I got dumped. I feel numb. I keep wanting to cry. As dumpings go it was a pretty good one. But then thats the sort of girl she is. Lovely.
Just started at the pretend Bristol Uni (UWE) - though actually its much better than I expected and absolutly VAST!!!! There r so many people here. A few ppl have approached me & been quite friendly which I like. I've been pretty slack @ socialising here. I guess I'm reluctant 2 meet new friends wen I hav so many back in Southampton. Which is a bad way 2 b. I will make more effort. Oh & if anyone from UWE is reading this and fanies meeting up 4 lunch on monday thursday or fri give me a shout!
Just been to Gnomelands 3. After the police busted the first site really hard and a friend of a friend got arrested with 60 Jack&the beanstalk beans I feared the worst.Of the 4 cars I came with 2 went home before the new party site was announced at 3am. We got there at th same time as a load of other punters in a long convoy. There must have been at least 600ppl. Shortly before 4am the music started and didn't stop til late Sunday night. Banging banging party. Love it.
Well Sarah and I are seeing each other now. If that's the correct term. She's my girlfriend. I can't really believe it. So funny how just when you give up all hope of meeting anyone then someone comes along. And someone is better than nobody. Someone is also better than anyone in this case. So to recap:
Someone > Anyone > Nobody.

In a kinda mathematical way for my maths geek sister Zeb. Hehehe.

Still not perfect for her but shes accepted me anyway. I love her for that.

more oneday.. J
Met a very, very... I can't find a word. Sweet, intelligent, beautiful beautiful beautiful, alive, perfect... girl. Too good for me really. I've been waiting all week to see if she contacts me and its not happened yet. I really want to call her but I know I'm not good enough. I want to be good enough but I don't know whether I can. Damn. Its funny how someone I've spent just a few hours with can take up so much of my thoughts.

I'm trying to be better for her. Trying. Not good enough yet...
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