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A smile from Heaven, Eyes of an Angel & Body Built for Sin..;o)
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3-2 wrote
Yaaaassss cumon the hoops
Oh we're goin to Ibiza wrote
looks like the mad squad are off to Ibiza on 29th Aug...ahh cannae wait
A WEE JOKE wrote
A dwarf with a lisp goes into a stud farm I'd like to buy a horth he says to the owner of the farm.
What sort of horse? said the owner. A female horth the dwarf replies.
So the owner shows him a mare.
Nithe horth. says the dwarf, Can I thee her eyeth? So the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horse's eyes. Nithe eyeth., says the dwarf,
Can I thee her teeth? Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horse's teeth. Nithe teeth.... can I see her eerth? the dwarf says.
By now th
Wedding over & done with wrote
Oh well that's the wedding over & done with & of course she was gorgeous, as you'd expect the bride to be!! & what a party lol best wedding i've been to yet! CONGRATULATIONS CATRIONA & ANDY!!
The Wedding wrote
Well Fantazia has been & gone, what can i say it was fookin Amazing, lol i managed to dance for a whole 8 hours, didn't know i still had it in me...lol..Well my Best mates big day tomorrow & yours truly is best maid ;o) Am made up, never been a bridesmaid before, am well chuffed!!! GOOD LUCK ANDY & CATRIONA....GETTING MARRIED SAT 6TH OCTOBER!!
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