5 entries | | |  |  |  | What is a bad boy? | wrote |  | So what exactly makes a bad boy? And why do most women seem to want one? Is it tattoos? Trendy hair? Designer stubble? Fancy clothes? Is it being aloof? Putting women down and not seeming to care? Fighting? Being dangerous/threatening? Needing to be "tamed"?
I've talked to a number of women who like bad boys, and pretty much all of them have troubled relationships, then end up thinking all men are *insert rude word here*. Why don't women try someone who isn't going to mess them around? |  |  |  | | wrote |  | Hello everyone... well the few people who drop by my little profile! Feel free to send me a message, I'm a nice friendly person and will get back to you. And if you rate me I will rate you back! Can't say fairer than that eh? lol |  |  |  | | wrote |  | Ooh it's summer and I haven't put a blog up since May! Well it's very, very hot as you know... however it's now very, very rainy instead! Not ideal! What have I been up to? Working mostly, been out now and then, here and there, ask for more details! |  |  |  | | wrote |  | Yay, B-Movie Heroes rocked, shame there weren't many people in Exeter's Cavern Club to see it! Still I got to meet the band and get CD inlay signed which was cool. Shame also that no friends made it to the gig so I was forced to stand around by myself for ages (the alternative being to go up and talk to random goth students which I thought may not have been so constructive!). Onwards with the rest of my week then :-) |  |  |  | | wrote |  | Ahh, the weekend! And I have next week off work too, hooray! Then it's a bank holiday weekend after that! I met a nice woman Friday night from Faceparty, had a friendly chatty evening. Meeting more people and maybe seeing B-Movie Heroes in Exeter on Monday but no more plans for this week, so talk to me, give me something to do (apart from chill out which I already have covered lol)! |  |  |  | 5 entries | | |