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Busted Foot wrote
Due to being a footballing wizard I had a tackle of epic proportions put into me on Tuesday night, so much so that I have busted two bones in my foot. Poor Dan. Clearly this means that the tap dancing career is hanging in the balance - although to be fair I kept falling in the bath anyway - and as to when twinkle toes Dan will be back out and about I couldn't rightly say.

Anyway, send all the cards and sympathy to the usual address...
Space wrote
Now Space is said to be the final frontier and honestly they weren't joking... 5am this morning I was dancing like a maniac.

Work, sad for them I know, has had to be done from home today, and has so far consisted of a trip up to M&S Simply food at the station for a hangover cure and as much orange juice as you can drink without going all satsuma. Vitamin C so they say is good for the morning after... Much watch that vitamin e while I'm at it.

Enjoy your day. I won't!
Back in the Game wrote
New year and all that and my Christmas present from the housemate was that he's moved his bloody bird in. Two is officially company and three, very sadly, a crowd! So that's it - I'm off...

My new pad is only 500 yards away though so anyone wanting to come over for jelly, ice cream and a food fight by way of a house warming please let me know!
I have just turned 30, cheers for the fond wishes and cards and all that. The problem is that I am now supposed to be married and have kids. I am neither a husband or a daddy. The question is should I be thsnkful or start a crazy panic? Answers on a postcard please (to the usual address). In sports news this week Dan throws chicken drumstick at man outside Primark at 4am today closely followed by Dan breaks land speed record running down the Headrow... lunacy. Adios.
Hola! Just returned from the fair city of Barcelona - a truly tremendous town. Went with 50 of my mates on a Wallace Arnold coach like a set of pensiors and I'm feeling like a proper Grandad now. All my joints have died and my liver is practically screaming for mercy. Bring on the world cup - sponsored by Carlsberg.

Anyone want to come to my funeral?
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