5 entries | | |  |  |  | NEW YORK SUMMER PEEPS | wrote |  | OMGAAAAWD I made it...Im a starving and sooo sleep deprived ...bt NY nevr changes ....except my street I swear someone moved it LOL Sooo I gt on the plane arives JFKAAAAY way n wnt on Denny's adventure.... :)
I freeekin cnt wait to seee Craig...my fave weee dude....he's a Londoner in NY ...totaly awesome !!!! will post my vids from the airport adventure later !!!!
And I wnt forget to send everyone postcards !!!! <3 <3 <3 Love you'z all FACPARTY PPL !!! XXXX |  |  |  | NEW YORK SUMMER PEEPS | wrote |  | Going Home for the summer and I cnt wait!!!! But dont cry please I'll still b here *FACEPARTY* and will keep in touch....as long as u promise to do the same.
Hopes ur Summers go well toooo....will miss ma Glaswegian PEEPS !!!!
xxxx |  |  |  | SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX FUCKIN SEX | wrote |  | OMG ....WTF IS IT WITH PEOPLE WANTING SEX OR TELING ME THEY WANT PUT THER DICKS IN ME ....IF I WANT IT ILL ASK....BT FUCKN DOUBT IT!!! IT JUS ANGERS ME THAT GUYS SAY THIS ....U WUDNT WALK UP TO A GIRL IN A BAR N SAY CAN I PUT MY DICK IN U!!!! TALK TO ME BOUT ANYTHING ELSE. I MEAN IF I WANT IT I CAN GET IT ....DNT YA THINK?? I DNT NEED PEOPLE TELN ME THIS SHIT !!!! U GUYS BETER FUCKN LISTEN!!!! |  |  |  | Incest ....not my thing | wrote |  | OMFG....Got totaly creeped last nite on msn!! Wat the fuck is it with people thinkn all I want is sex....Im a normal grl. Tlk to me bout anything other until u get to kno me plz. Im not interested in cam either jus so ya kno. I was talkn to a chick last and she was comin on to me....which i didnt mind, Bt then she added her daughter to the convo....if thats not bad a fuckn nuff she then kept askn If I wud hav a 3sum wif them....ewwww totaly wrong!!!! Comment this plz!!!! xX |  |  |  | too much love in the room | wrote |  | Last nite I added some chick from fp on msn .... wait it we wer chattn away for about 2 and half minutes and then all of a suden she keeps teln me she loves me....Like in love with me :0 WTF , am I wrong to be sooo creeped ?!? Like me yes ....love me ....give me time !! Leave me a we comment on the issue and tel me wat ya think!! xXxXxXxXx |  |  |  | 5 entries | | |