5 entries | | | | | | Sataday nite dah nah nah nah nee nah nee nahhhh! | wrote | | Well its sataday oot th nyt. shud b gud av only got about 18 quid tho ... al av to make it stretchy wetchy! wearin a cute lil black top and my skinnies :D sittin at work at th mo cant w8 to get out of here. im soOo bored th printaz got no ink so a cant print nethin n all th memberships for the company av bin updated ... meh roll on 3:00, wey ten to 3 am guna sneak off early x | | | | Glyn BB | wrote | | well i went out last nite too c glyn from big brother. a was the first person to giv em a peck lol was well funny ... not well funny th day like cuz am hungover like fuck. neva again me heads poundin av got a geet hairy tongue off all th tabs n th cheese burger a munchd on wen a went yem. soooo shattered. roll on 3:00 xx | | | | so many nites out so little cash flow lol | wrote | | well, ive decided im gonna go out thursda just clubbn at bout half 11ish wey wateva am not bovvad takin 15 quid out. Glyn beta not b ther any l8a than 1 or al run out of dolla. hmmm, am goin out sataday too like oOoh wat to wear wat to wear havnt been out on a sataday in months. a bet its wank like cuz its a bank hol on monday so everyone wil b oot sunday ... hmmm wat to do wat to do xx | | | | Nights oOot | wrote | | well ive got a new job. its canny 9-3 then 3-9. least ive got dolla again tho instead of sponging off me ma! oot this friday hen nite - woOo shud b a larf. apparantly Glyn from Big Brother is at Dusk nightclub (me old job) in shields this thursday. Myt go to that, but a fancy goin out sataday nite too. hmmmm wat to do a can only afford one .... <3 | | | | amy whinehouse ... | wrote | | ... how cool is she? sh sounds like a bloke but shes klass :D a wudnt push a out of bed like. so tired, eatn battenburg cake while i download sum ch00nage on me mob lol xxx | | | | 5 entries | | |