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Virgo....shy and quiet type.... until you get to know me that is.
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Wasters wrote
Why oh why do i work 48 weeks a year to fund these lowlives and deadheads who deem it acceptable to openly wield cans of super strength lager at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Sick of these parasites. The goverment should MAKE them do some kind of work. Pissing hard earned taxpayers money up the wall whilst most of us decent (normal) working people struggle to make ends meet.

Seems to be these days if you want to get on in life you're best heading for the nearest dole office. Grrrr
Why.... wrote
Is it that whenever i update my profile on here that i always end up getting offers of marriage from Russian girls not long after? Don't get me wrong i'm pretty flattered by allthe attention but i just wonder WHY?

Does this only happen to me or does it happen to you?

If i really wanted to marry a Russian girl don't you think i would of a long tiem ago?
End of hols wrote
Two weeks have just flown by. Back to work tomorrow boo hiss.
not so quick get away wrote
Winging my way back from seeing a friend down in Swansea and get caught speeding on the A483. 3 points and a 60 quid fine :( Thanks Mr Brunstrom
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