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~*~I Have A Tendancy Of Gettin Very Physical, So Watch Ya Step Cos If I Do U'll Needa Miracle!~*~
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says it all really!
All i no is evrythng is not as its sold n the more i grow the less i no, n i av livd so many lìves tho im not old n the more i c the less i grow, the fewer the seeds the more ì sew, i wish i adnt seen all of the realness cos al the real ppl r rly not real at all, the more ì learn the more i cry as i say gudbye toa way of lyf i thot i had designed for me...
~*~If you'r in swansea tonight n see me luking a bit queezy pleeeeaaaase help n get me a bucket!! nowt gna schtop me goin not even a bloody bug ive caught off my darling niece n nephew!!!~*~
~*~Haha pished AGEN work saturday down tha lord fora few wi my sis while the kids played in charlie chalks get fooked text kelz end up at her's at 1/4 2 1! wake up rather early ;-)...spend the day down penarth on fy mawd's bo's boat go fora lush wlk n av sumin 2 eat then get bk 2 go to my mate who i aint seen for MONTH's...she got engaged last night congrats doll...n here i am wrecked agen n have to b up at early oclock...hellova wkend u cud say but just how i lyk it!xXxPeace Out RabbitzxXx ~*~
~*~Well back to work today after wanggling the best part ofa week off woop woop altho sitting at someone elses desk wasa mistake cos after clearin the weeks backlog i arrive at my desk to find another had appeared cos ppl thought i still wasn't back!! :-o! oh well....boooored already n only bin in two minutes!!!! woooop wooop next wednesday n thursday off 2! I be partying hard agaiiiin my gud friend Mizz Boombastic's bday wed, n lynsey's fri...on ya go son!~*~
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