5 entries | | |  |  |  | Huh? | wrote |  | I Have No Idea What To Write In Here ...*-) |  |  |  | Woot Woot | wrote |  | Passed Ma Driving Test Today Hehe :D ..Am well chuffed..Can Take Oliver The Coupe Out Now Haha.. ;p x |  |  |  | untitled | wrote |  | R.I.P Brett, it was your funeral yesterday..stil cant beleive youv'e gone, always here with us though. you wil be missed..along with them big blue eyes and cheeky smile. forever in our hearts. such a shame..sleep tight x x |  |  |  | shocked | wrote |  | just found out 2day tht ma m8 tht i used 2 go to school with died on saturday nite..its mad coz i was tlkin 2 him nd laughin n jokin with him on friday nite...u gota live evryday to the most and never regret anything tht made ya smile lifes far too precious to waste away, he was only 19 had so much ahead of him.
R.I.P. Brett butler x x x |  |  |  | la dee darr dee darr | wrote |  | A HiNt Of RaNdOmIsM - CaNt Be BaD..i GuEs i bOrEd OnCe AgAiN nOt EvEn FuNnY:p dO pEoPlE aCtuAlLy ReAd ThIs StUfF?? cHoW FrUkA mUcKa'S mWaHh XxXx |  |  |  | 5 entries | | |